What is BioResonance?
Bioresonance is a therapy that uses electromagnetic frequencies to detect pathologies, bacteria, viruses and parasites as well as toxins and other harmful substances. It can be used to reliably detect food intolerances, allergies of all kinds, to help with detoxification and is incredibly potent for treatments of addiction (to stop smoking, for alcohol abuse etc.
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The advantage of BioResonance
- Pain-free, none-invasive - safe for children
- Removes the memory of the substance 'intruder' from your body
- 'Energetic balancing' allowing you to stay calm and relaxed
- Removal of poisons from your body, using bio-reduction technology
- Balance your body holistically helping with underlying biological imbalances at the same time
- Treatment for allergies, intolerances, addictions, acute and chronic ailments
A typical session
A therapy session is likely to start with a personal diagnosis to see if you would benefit from BioResonance, and if so, a course of treatment would be recommended along with any dietary requirements.
Following the appointment, you will receive a fully comprehensive report and management plan to take you from where you are to where you want to be!
Please see our prices here
BioResonance treatments are aimed in rebalancing and re-educating your body, including allergy and intolerance related problems; gastro-intestinal disorders, smoking cessation, allergy treatment, fatigue, insomnia to rheumatoid arthritis, and much more.
One of the main uses of Bioresonance is for treating the effects of toxins in the body. Even if you sense that your body is ‘out of tune’, Bioresonance could be a helpful.
Fewer and fewer patients are prepared to simply pop a pill when they feel unwell. People who are careful of their health and want to act responsibly in health matters are looking for alternatives. There is plenty of evidence to show that despite great advances in medicine, chronic disease is on the increase. How many children do you know with Food Intolerances, Asthma, Skin problems and other conditions? A holistic approach can produce results not experienced when just treating the actual symptom.
An increasing number of patients want to be involved in decisions about their fate rather than passively accepting prescriptions and medication.
The Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMW) discovered back in 2001 in its “New trends in medicine” project that increasingly people were turning away from scientifically based medicine and seeking help from complementary medicine.
In the vast majority of cases Bioresonance therapy (BRT) is very well tolerated. It has been applied to a wide range of people, from babies to mature adults, for over 25 years.
For those who require detoxification, treatment can sometimes lead to reactions for a short period of time, such as headache, slight nausea or tiredness. Some people feel tired for 24 hours after the treatment. These effects can be reduced by drinking plenty of clean, preferably filtered, or low mineral content water to help flush out the toxins.
Any of the above after effects are actually seen as good signs in naturopathy, even if they are a little uncomfortable, as it is evidence of a healing process. Although it may feel like nothing is happening during a treatment things are happening on the inside and these signs are an indicator that the body is using the information received from the device.
Our team of highly skilled therapists are here to support and guide you on your journey towards optimum health, fitness and wellbeing.
Let’s get started by taking action today.